Blog for TRUTH of ALL sort/Blog pour TOUT genre de VERITÉ

Truth will set you FREE/La VÉRITÉE vous rendra LIBRE

something on your mind? Go to the Forum!/quelque chose a dire? venez au Forum!

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Reading Text is fun, How about some hard concrete fact, in video!!!
Lire c'est amusant, Ca vous dirait des preuves video concrete?

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We Are Change Montreal Chat

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Michael Jackson - Heal The World

The song of peace.this how our future should be..and it will be.. Brothers and Sister of earth.lets all join together and retake earth from all evil. We will win it with all the love enrgies , peace and harmony. We are created to be united, not divided. we are all stronger together. Brothers and sisters of earth , i URGE you to wake up, see the evil in this present time, We all want change, so lets take action RIGHT NOW!!!

Why most people may not wake up! The Sad Truth

If you happen to already seen this - its worth passing on, some pretty hard proof of what we are trying to tell people! Excellent video!

If you are watching this, then somehow you are not a mindless idiot or a sheep! I want to thank you for not being human livestock and to ask you to help me smack our sleeping brothers and sisters, We need a united race of mankind to stop the NWO dead in its tracks or its game over and there is no restart!

I have come up with a large plan, many are now backing me and my plan and have put faith in me. Please I ask you to also do so...
Who else is there to trust? What will you lose by trusting me that you WONT ALREADY LOSE IN THE FUTURE IF NOTHING CHANGES!
Take a chance, message me. It will take time for me to get back to you but I promise I will!

We can over come this, but I can not do it alone, I can not feed all the starving people of the world nor shield everyone from the bombs and bullets waiting for us, or the camps they are building, I need help! Even great men had help! Look at Jesus, even he had 12!

So please contact me or get my address and send me mail/support!
I always start my day going thru the mail first then spend the rest of the day and night posting videos, comments and replying to the endless wave of mail.
So grab my address of my front page and start sending me mail!
Each person that joins us and helps us brings us one step closer to our first goal - building our website that will crush youtube and act as a all in one site for people like you.

We can win this...

Projet Lucifer

Les Américains se livreraient à des bombardements atomiques sur d'autres planètes... /The U.S./Nasa are doing humongous nuclear attacks on other planets

Réellement grand temps de vous éveiller !/Time to wake up

Prophecie d'un film de 1976 pour notre survie dans L'avenir/Prophecy made in a 1976 movie to wake up todays people for the futur

Chemtrail au Québec

Alerte chemtrail au Québec-ETE 2008

Le contrôle d'une population soumise au fluorure

"Et vous pensiez que tout ce que le gouvernement fait, il le fait " pour vous " ?