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Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Secret Plan To Kill Internet By 2012: Leaked?
Paul Joseph Watson / Prison Planet | June 11, 2008

ISP's have resolved to restrict the Internet to a TV-like subscription model where users will be forced to pay to visit selected corporate websites by 2012, while others will be blocked, according to a leaked report. Despite some people dismissing the story as a hoax, the wider plan to kill the traditional Internet and replace it with a regulated and controlled Internet 2 is manifestly provable.

"Bell Canada and TELUS (formerly owned by Verizon) employees officially confirm that by 2012 ISP's all over the globe will reduce Internet access to a TV-like subscription model, only offering access to a small standard amount of commercial sites and require extra fees for every other site you visit. These 'other' sites would then lose all their exposure and eventually shut down, resulting in what could be seen as the end of the Internet," warns a report that has spread like wildfire across the web over the last few days.

The article, which is accompanied by a You Tube clip, states that Time Magazine writer "Dylan Pattyn" has confirmed the information and is about to release a story - and that the move to effectively shut down the web could come as soon as 2010.

People have raised questions about the report's accuracy because the claims are not backed by another source, only the "promise" that a Time Magazine report is set to confirm the rumor. Until such a report emerges many have reserved judgment or outright dismissed the story as a hoax.

What is documented, as the story underscores, is the fact that TELUS' wireless web package allows only restricted pay-per-view access to a selection of corporate and news websites. This is the model that the post-2012 Internet would be based on.

People have noted that the authors of the video seem to be more concerned about getting people to subscribe to their You Tube account than fighting for net neutrality by prominently featuring an attractive woman who isn't shy about showing her cleavage. The vast majority of the other You Tube videos hosted on the same account consist of bizarre avante-garde satire skits on behalf of the same people featured in the Internet freedom clip. This has prompted many to suspect that the Internet story is merely a stunt to draw attention to the group.

Whether the report is accurate or merely a crude hoax, there is a very real agenda to restrict, regulate and suffocate the free use of the Internet and we have been documenting its progression for years.

The first steps in a move to charge for every e mail sent have already been taken. Under the pretext of eliminating spam, Bill Gates and other industry chieftains have proposed Internet users buy credit stamps which denote how many e mails they will be able to send. This of course is the death knell for political newsletters and mailing lists.

Bilderberg 2008: Flying High Over The Target

Amy de Miceli

No One Has to Die Tomorrow

June 9, 2008


Marriott Hotel

The annual Bilderberg meeting was held from June fifth through the eighth on American soil, inside the Westfields Marriott Hotel, Chantilly Virginia, the same location as 2002.

Alex Jones and We Are Change along with about a hundred others showed up to let the globalists know that we are watching them and we know their plans. No member of the MSM felt that a meeting of 140 of some of the most powerful people in the world was worth covering, aside from those spinning the idea that their silence is good and a few other rags denying their existence. Luckily the real media - the underground media - was there to expose these criminals, Jim Tucker and Alex Jones lead the way.

For a week prior to Bilderberg, Jones put out a call for those close to the Marriott to head over to and get some footage from inside the building before they closed it to the public. One man named Adam shot some video, and then he was visited by a couple of guys who claimed to be Diplomatic Security. Another guy borrowed his Grandmothers car, drove over to the Marriott and was followed by two guys throughout the hotel. Later, some "officials" were sent over to his Aunt’s house, and made a call to his Grandma. In both instances they were trying to insinuate that these gentlemen were planning some type of terrorism. Alex Jones didnt escape the harassment either, he made it into Virginia a few days early and captured his own footage of the Marriott. Later he was approached by a guy asking him if he would like to attack the state department. These are just a few examples of how closely they are instructed to watch us and once the meeting began their presence was always known.

Bosnian Muslims

Jim Tucker and Alex Jones.

The Meeting

Upon our arrival we journeyed to the hotel lounge of the Hilton, where a guy in a suit was watching a couch full of We Are Change members. He was covering his mouth and talking to himself, while an older gentleman was leaning back in his seat clearly eavesdropping on them as well. Instantly the reality of where I was set in. Tucker made his annual attempt to enter the Marriott shortly after the Bilderberg meeting began, and he was once again denied entrance. Like every other year, there would be no press allowed inside to actually cover it. So he stood at the entrance and covered it from there, (while his moles operated from the inside). As the black cars and trucks with tinted windows rolled passed, cameras were ready, and many were exposed, like Ben Bernanke, the current Fed Chairman.

Helicopter Ben attended Bilderberg as the stock market plummeted nearly 400 points on Friday, it was instant results from Bilderberg this year. He’s sitting inside the Bilderberg meeting as oil goes beyond 138 dollars a barrel! Jim Tucker had been saying 140 dollars a barrel for a few years and here it is crippling us.

There was also all that Obama and Hilary action, he was on the plane, then he wasn’t. They met, then they hadn’t and then she’s out of the presidential race. (It is obvious Rockefeller wants to push the agenda forward too quickly but this kind of turn around time is ridiculous!) It has been reported that many came to Virginia to discuss war with Iran, but let’s hope that doesn’t happen any time soon.

The Protest

Every time these Bilderbergers entered and exited the Westfields Marriott they were reminded of their crimes, and reminded that we will fight for our sovereignty, and resist their tyranny. It was an honor to stand with so many people brave enough to tell these globalists what they can do with their New World Order. Jim Tucker said this was the biggest turnout for a Bilderberg meeting in America, and it was on par with meetings held in Europe. Alex Jones said this was the best one he had covered.

It was still difficult not to think that it could have been better had more people been bold enough to take the trip to Virginia. Some people took off from work, borrowed cars, asked their parents for help, and will be late on the mortgage just to have been there. They came from all across America, even some Canadians were there.

To the millions of people who didn’t make it, you missed out and although the videos from Bilderberg 2008 contain great footage they do not capture the feeling of being there, watching this really happen, voicing your opposition right to their faces is worth being late on any payment.

The Local Police VS. The Secret Bilderberg Thugs

Overall there was no problem with the local police throughout the weekend, and that is in large part due to what unfolded early on. Thursday, a spokesman for Westfields Business Association, came out and made an attempt to move everyone to the other side of the street. He was asked if he was under pressure from the guests that were inside, and when he said "Yes I am" he knew he had been defeated. Then the police laid off a bit, their were too many people that knew too much about their rights. In many other cities the police would have been brutal.

There was only one incident when one of the protesters was manhandled. It was a bit disturbing, it was an actual thought crime that got him pulled from the crowd. He had written a post on a blog, under an alias no less, and they didn’t like the way he was talking about his Second Amendment rights. They did’nt have to dig too far to figure out who he was and what he looked like, he himself said they probably used facebook.


Alex Jones and Luke Rudkowski

When they were finished with planning on the best way to further enslave us they left, one black car at a time. Some covered their faces with papers or their hands, (Madeline Albright wouldn’t even pull in) but some couldn’t care less. Vernon Jordon Bill Clinton’s former adviser, and the Bilderberg chairman himself Etienne Davignon, just sat back as they fled the scene and David Rockefeller was too slow to hide himself even if he wanted to (its no wonder he wants to move ahead with the New World Order so quickly, he’ll be 93 next week).

Long Live The Republic

They tried all weekend to intimidate us, showing us how easily they can track us and violate our rights, photographing and videotaping each of us and running all of our licence plates, even Alex Jones’ wife was harassed on the telephone this weekend by the minions of the global elite.

Clearly we were over the target this weekend in Chantilly Virginia.

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