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Which is this point of light
beside the sun? A planet?
Here photographs and text of Christian Béland who is an enthusiastic hunter of chemtrails: “One of the goals of the chemtrails would be to prevent from seeing this planet X which is at present visible above the sun; Odd, because before to have seen this video I had thought the same thing.
Lately, at the time of some catches of photographs of chemtrails, I had realized certain anomalies on my photographs and particularly those which posted the sun when it was masked by the chemtrails. I had noticed at the time of the remote loading of a luminescence located beside the sun; I believed first of all in a banal atmospheric reflexion due to the chemtrails. But here is this same luminescence was found on several of my photographs on different dates. Certain photographs have their original in high-definition if you click above. I strongly suggest you to see the difference. With any chance, I made some Internet search in connection with Nibiru, and I realized that several people had photographed the same phenomenon everywhere in the world.
I am thus turned over to my photographs to deduce from it that it is indeed an object at the side of the sun and that does not make very a long time that is visible.
I joined to you some photographs snuff lately and I leave it to you to even judge by you. (Look at the point shining around the sun) “
April 20, 08 - 16:22
March 10, 08 - 16:35
April 16, 08 - 18:01
April 18, 08 19:13
July 12, 08 - 18:08
March 18, 08 - 17:40
March 10, 07 - 17:21
June 10, 08 - 19:20
January 13, 07 - 9:27
February 6, 07 - 12:39
March 18, 08 - 17:39
TAKE A PHOTOGRAPH OF THE SUN AND NIBIROU WILL APPEAR! You will see on this video that many people throughout the world took in photograph this gleam of an impressive size or not of light which moves at a vertiginous speed and is located close to the sun. One seems to better see it with sleeping or raising sun or when the sun is found behind a fine layer of vaporous clouds. Is Nibiru, the planet “X” here? If so, we let us can nothing there! Except taking the means to survive. What our governments will not do in any point. Does somebody know something about this advent, not? Top-ranking executives of the world? The pope? Seeds of the apocalypse of Svalbard? Family members royal? The White House? Illuminati?