Sunday, September 28, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Toxic Rocket Fuel Chemical In Drinking Water Can Stay Says Government
White House and Pentagon distort the science to protect themselves and their corporate defense contractors from liability on water contamination
Steve Watson
Tuesday, Sept 23, 2008
In a remarkable reversal of it’s position, the EPA, has ditched six years of effort into persuading the government that perchlorate contamination poses a serious risk to the public and should be regulated.
Perchlorate, has been found in at least 395 sites in 35 states at levels high enough to interfere with thyroid function and pose developmental health risks, particularly for babies and fetuses, reports AP. The toxic chemical has also been found in lettuce and other foods.
It is used by defense and aerospace contractors in conjunction with the Pentagon in rockets and missiles.
Blogger Rick Attig at the Oregonian succinctly explains why the EPA has suddenly decided to back down and drop it’s efforts to address perchlorate contamination:
It’s obvious what’s going on here. The administration wants nothing to do with a cleanup that could cost hundreds of millions of dollars or more. Nor does the Pentagon want to expose its friendly defense contractors to the costs of cleaning up the contamination they are responsible for leaving behind to seep into drinking water in at least 35 states and the District of Columbia.
Attig also points out that the Bush administration and the Pentagon are preparing to fix the science to justify not regulating perchlorate by setting the maximum contamination level at 15 times the figure the EPA suggested in 2002.
(Article continues below)
The revelations first appeared in a Washington Post report Sunday, after the paper received a near final EPA “preliminary regulatory determination” document.
That document revealed that the government opted not to use a National Academy of Science formula for determining safe levels of perchlorate in drinking water, the model preferred by the nation’s top scientists, instead opting to use a computer model developed by the Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology.
No conflict of interest there then.
The report also revealed that the White House deleted references to scientific studies which highlighted the link between perchlorate’s impact on thyroid function and an irreversible loss of IQ and perception in young people from babies to those in the 20s.
The document estimates that up to 16.6 million Americans are exposed to perchlorate at a level many scientists consider unsafe; independent researchers, using federal and state data, put the number at 20 million to 40 million.
Robert Zoeller, a University of Massachusetts professor who specializes in thyroid hormone and brain development, told reporters that the government amendments to the EPA proposal “have distorted the science to such an extent that they can justify not regulating” the toxic chemical.
“Infants and children will continue to be damaged, and that damage is significant.” Zoeller said.
Perchlorate is just one toxic horror readily found in the drinking water of people all over America. We have previously reported on studies that have found that numerous pharmaceutical drugs, from antidepressants like prozac to sex hormones, currently contaminate the water supplies of millions.
In addition millions more are being being mass-medicated against their will in many water districts by way of sodium fluoride, which is classed as a poison, being added to water supplies without their consent. The latest scientific reports have pointed to strong evidence of the waste chemical’s link to disorders affecting teeth, bones, the brain and the thyroid gland, as well as lowering IQ.
Despite these facts, the government continues to aim to have 75% of American water fluoridated by 2010.
It is now clearly the responsibility of people everywhere to lobby representatives at the state and local levels to implement their own drinking water regulations in response to the combination of negligence, cronyism and downright criminal actions of the federal government on this matter.
Several states have already acted on their own. In 2007, California adopted a drinking water standard of 6 parts per billion for perchlorate, while Massachusetts has set a drinking water standard of 2 parts per billion. Meanwhile other towns and cities across the country have voted to remove fluoride from their water.
Given that states like Pennsylvania have passed laws making it illegal to remove fluoride from a community’s drinking water supply once such fluoridation is started, It is essential that action is taken on this matter before others follow suit.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Calamitous Web Bot Predictions 1 of 12
Calamitous Web Bot Predictions
George Ure and his colleague 'Cliff', two self-described "time monks," shared dire predictions based on their web bot technology. Their method captures changes in language patterns within Internet discussions. This aggregated data is then processed with software to determine various keywords, which they interpret in a predictive fashion.
Beginning on October 7, 2008 and running through March 2009, they foresee a calamitous period on an epic scale. America will be beset by a variety of problems, which they broke down as 45-48% related to the economy, 40% concerning the military, and the rest associated with natural disasters. Between 2 and 22 million lives could be lost or seriously impacted, they estimated, possibly related to a "global coastal event" in 2009. On Dec. 10-12th, 2008, a large quake could hit the Pacific Northwest, they added.
The two recommended developing self-sufficiency and the ability to live off the grid. They also spoke about strange disappearances next year, in which people, including those in power, will vanish without a trace into interdimensional doorways. Additionally, an object they call a "coherer" -- a reverse-engineered or left-behind dimensional artifact is currently in the possession of people who are concerned for their lives.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Matt Damon Rips Sarah Palin
"CBS News RAW": Actor Matt Damon criticizes Alaska governor Sarah Palin, citing her inexperience in national politics and comparing her candidacy to "a bad Disney movie."
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Chemtrail en Allemagne
reportage--la preuve que ce n'est pas juste ne amerique du nord que nous nous fesons empoisonée au desus de nos tetes
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Chemtrails! Contrails! Geoengineering! An Open Discussion!
From: academianon
Added: September 17, 2008
Winnipeg, Canada: I am a social researcher who has woken up and noticed an extensive geo-physics environmental modification program that is ongoing as you watch this video..
Initially, I was highly skeptical of the "chemtrail" phenomenon because it was often presented in an alarmist fashion with an excessive amount of "paranoid" speculation.
These reactions are clearly warranted, I have wondered myself if those trails are poison or some sort of chemical agent meant to keep us passive.
However, after months of research, I must conclude that it is likely an atmospheric research project related to HAARP and other technologies.
It is extremely important that we inform the public about this program, and start spreading the truth about all the government secrecy that has proliferated over the last century and even longer.
If you are still thinking I am a paranoid nutcase, then you are not listening. I am concerned, and I am also keeping my mind open to the fact that maybe there has been some sort of atmospheric change that can explain the sudden plethora of persistent contrails that are obscuring my sky.
However, it seems far more likely that this is a deliberate program, and I would ask you to visit my website to see my full conclusions and the sources that I've utilized to help me come to these determinations.
Thank you, please keep looking up my friends.
Disclosure now
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
nightfallproject, rodneykingman, teabowbraine,
vormeggio, mayorofcydae, wildtonic heartofdrakn NafrikaKorps - ARE GONE!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Why most people may not wake up! The Sad Truth
If you happen to already seen this - its worth passing on, some pretty hard proof of what we are trying to tell people! Excellent video!
If you are watching this, then somehow you are not a mindless idiot or a sheep! I want to thank you for not being human livestock and to ask you to help me smack our sleeping brothers and sisters, We need a united race of mankind to stop the NWO dead in its tracks or its game over and there is no restart!
I have come up with a large plan, many are now backing me and my plan and have put faith in me. Please I ask you to also do so...
Who else is there to trust? What will you lose by trusting me that you WONT ALREADY LOSE IN THE FUTURE IF NOTHING CHANGES!
Take a chance, message me. It will take time for me to get back to you but I promise I will!
We can over come this, but I can not do it alone, I can not feed all the starving people of the world nor shield everyone from the bombs and bullets waiting for us, or the camps they are building, I need help! Even great men had help! Look at Jesus, even he had 12!
So please contact me or get my address and send me mail/support!
I always start my day going thru the mail first then spend the rest of the day and night posting videos, comments and replying to the endless wave of mail.
So grab my address of my front page and start sending me mail!
Each person that joins us and helps us brings us one step closer to our first goal - building our website that will crush youtube and act as a all in one site for people like you.
We can win this...
Oklahoma secedes from USA ! Revolution has begun!
I hear Alaska and Hawaii want out next!
Thanks for leading the way OK
Comment by HollowEarthling (YouTube)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
McCain's YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare There's no question John McCain is getting a free ride from the mainstream press. But with the power of YouTube and the blogosphere, we can provide an accurate portrayal of the so-called Maverick. We can put the brakes on his free ride!
Since we first released The Real McCain a year ago, our REAL McCain series has garnered close to 2 million views, with over 13,000 comments and tens of thousands more in petition signatures! Clearly, John McCain's record is something the public wants to discuss, and yet the corporate media is doing NOTHING to present the truth. We feel obliged to continue countering the mainstream media's love of McCain. And so we thought it was high time for a sequel: The Real McCain 2.
Black Chemtrails in Dallas w/ Alex Jones Show 9-7-08
Sunday was a massive spraying day in the Dallas area. Chemtrails filled the sky for most of the day and I even filmed a notorious "black chemtrail" before sunset. Woke this morning with bad headache. Scary stuff.
Canada is awake!! No More Tricks from NWO!
Canada you are my new hero!
USA its your turn to confront your political leader..WAKE UP MY FRIENDS!!
A special thanx to Earthlasthope !!
Visit his channel
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Niburu, behind the chemtrail plot?
May contain errors!
Which is this point of light
beside the sun? A planet?
Here photographs and text of Christian Béland who is an enthusiastic hunter of chemtrails: “One of the goals of the chemtrails would be to prevent from seeing this planet X which is at present visible above the sun; Odd, because before to have seen this video I had thought the same thing.
Lately, at the time of some catches of photographs of chemtrails, I had realized certain anomalies on my photographs and particularly those which posted the sun when it was masked by the chemtrails. I had noticed at the time of the remote loading of a luminescence located beside the sun; I believed first of all in a banal atmospheric reflexion due to the chemtrails. But here is this same luminescence was found on several of my photographs on different dates. Certain photographs have their original in high-definition if you click above. I strongly suggest you to see the difference. With any chance, I made some Internet search in connection with Nibiru, and I realized that several people had photographed the same phenomenon everywhere in the world.
I am thus turned over to my photographs to deduce from it that it is indeed an object at the side of the sun and that does not make very a long time that is visible.
I joined to you some photographs snuff lately and I leave it to you to even judge by you. (Look at the point shining around the sun) “
April 20, 08 - 16:22
March 10, 08 - 16:35
April 16, 08 - 18:01
April 18, 08 19:13
July 12, 08 - 18:08
March 18, 08 - 17:40
March 10, 07 - 17:21
June 10, 08 - 19:20
January 13, 07 - 9:27
February 6, 07 - 12:39
March 18, 08 - 17:39
TAKE A PHOTOGRAPH OF THE SUN AND NIBIROU WILL APPEAR! You will see on this video that many people throughout the world took in photograph this gleam of an impressive size or not of light which moves at a vertiginous speed and is located close to the sun. One seems to better see it with sleeping or raising sun or when the sun is found behind a fine layer of vaporous clouds. Is Nibiru, the planet “X” here? If so, we let us can nothing there! Except taking the means to survive. What our governments will not do in any point. Does somebody know something about this advent, not? Top-ranking executives of the world? The pope? Seeds of the apocalypse of Svalbard? Family members royal? The White House? Illuminati?
NIBIRU un lien avec les chemtrails?
à côté du soleil ? Une planète ?
Voici les photos et texte de Christian Béland qui est un fervent chasseur de chemtrails: "Un des buts des chemtrails serait d'empêcher de voir cette planète X qui est présentement visible au-dessus du soleil; Bizarre, car avant d'avoir vu cette vidéo j'avais pensé la même chose.
Dernièrement, lors de quelques prises de photos de chemtrails, je m'étais aperçu de certaines anomalies sur mes photos et tout particulièrement celles qui affichaient le soleil quand il était masqué par les chemtrails. J'avait remarqué lors du téléchargement d'un luminescence située à côté du soleil; j'ai cru tout d'abord à une réflexion atmosphérique banale dû aux chemtrails. Mais voilà cette même luminescence s'est retrouvé sur plusieurs de mes photos à des dates différentes. Certaines photos possèdent leur original en haute définition si vous cliquez dessus. Je vous suggère fortement à voir la différence. À tout hasard, je faisais quelques recherches sur internet à propos de Nibiru, et je me suis aperçu que plusieurs personnes avaient photographiées le même phénomène partout dans le monde.
Je suis donc retourné à mes photos pour en déduire qu'il s'agit bien d'un objet au côté du soleil et ça ne fait pas très longtemps que cela est visible.
Je te joints quelques photos prisent dernièrement et je vous laisse le soin de juger par vous même. (Regardez le point brillant autour du soleil)"
20 avril 08 - 16H22
10mars 08 - 16H35
16 avril 08 - 18H01
18 avril 08 19H13
12 juillet 08 - 18H08
18 mars 08 - 17H40
10 mars 07 - 17h21
10 juin 08 - 19h20
13 janvier 07 - 9h27
06 février 07 - 12h39
18 mars 08 - 17h39
PRENEZ UNE PHOTO DU SOLEIL ET NIBIROU APPARAÎTRA ! Vous verrez sur cette vidéo que beaucoup de gens à travers le monde ont pris en photo cette lueur d'une taille impressionnante ou point de lumière qui se déplace à une vitesse vertigineuse et se situe près du soleil. On semble la voir mieux au coucher ou lever du soleil ou lorsque le soleil se retrouve derrière une couche fine de nuages vaporeux. Nibiru, la planète "X" est-elle ici ? Si oui, nous n'y pouvons rien ! Sauf prendre les moyens pour survivre. Ce que nos gouvernements ne feront en aucun point. Quelqu'un sait quelque chose sur cet avènement, non ? Les hauts dirigeants du monde? Le pape ? Les semences de l'apocalypse de Svalbard ? Les membres de la famille royale ? La Maison Blanche ? Les Illuminati ?
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Chemtrails caught in the act
Encore une de mes videos sur la preuve formelle des chemtrail en monteregie .
Filmé le 27 aout 2008
Chemtrails, a smoking Gun evidence
Et voila mes amis quebecois..voici la belle preuve que notre belle province se fait salir au dessus de nos tetes! Oui les chemtrails sont bien réels!!
Il est temps de se reveillez mes amis..
Comme le dit le theme du quebec. Vive le quebec LIBRE..Liberté pour tous!
Monday, September 8, 2008
CERN,Large Hadron Collider experiment on Wednesday,10 September,2008

"The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) could allow it to become a black-hole factory with a production rate as high as about one per second." Source: CERN Courier Nov 12, 2004
The case for mini black holes.
But other scientist from same filed told news media that this device could create Black hole even we don't know that it happened.And after at least 4 year after this device get own start showing it effect.
In this video report Dr. Walter L. Wagner discusses the potential destruction of our planet earth by creating micro black holes and strangelets with the LHC. He indicates the current CERN safety reports are seriously flawed and contain unacceptable risks.
For example, if micro black holes are created, which CERN estimates about 1 micro black hole every second, Dr. Rossler's calculations estimate 50 months to 50 years to grow large enough to destroy Earth.
So the effects of this experiment may be months to years after the first LHC collisions.Even if CERN said look nothing had happened after switching on this device
Part-2 Part-3 Part-4
Prophecy :-And those who believe in Nostradamus Prophecy here is the video which talks about Prophecy about CERN,Large Hadron collider too.
Legal Action against CERN
Opponents of the project had hoped to obtain an injunction from the European Court of Human Rights that would block the collider from being turned on at all, but the court rejected the application on Friday morning. However, the court will rule on allegations that the experiment violates the right to life under the European Convention of Human Rights.
Our view :-
We think its not just a lab experiment where you could do what you want to do.Its about over own existence and existence of this planet. At least we don't want to know so called secret of begins of universes on the shake of over own existence. And we think this time also they are not going to get success itself.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The ULTIMATE Chemtrail Compilation - If You Doubt, You NEVER Will Again!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Michael Jackson - Heal The World
The song of peace.this how our future should be..and it will be.. Brothers and Sister of earth.lets all join together and retake earth from all evil. We will win it with all the love enrgies , peace and harmony. We are created to be united, not divided. we are all stronger together. Brothers and sisters of earth , i URGE you to wake up, see the evil in this present time, We all want change, so lets take action RIGHT NOW!!!
Why most people may not wake up! The Sad Truth
If you happen to already seen this - its worth passing on, some pretty hard proof of what we are trying to tell people! Excellent video!
If you are watching this, then somehow you are not a mindless idiot or a sheep! I want to thank you for not being human livestock and to ask you to help me smack our sleeping brothers and sisters, We need a united race of mankind to stop the NWO dead in its tracks or its game over and there is no restart!
I have come up with a large plan, many are now backing me and my plan and have put faith in me. Please I ask you to also do so...
Who else is there to trust? What will you lose by trusting me that you WONT ALREADY LOSE IN THE FUTURE IF NOTHING CHANGES!
Take a chance, message me. It will take time for me to get back to you but I promise I will!
We can over come this, but I can not do it alone, I can not feed all the starving people of the world nor shield everyone from the bombs and bullets waiting for us, or the camps they are building, I need help! Even great men had help! Look at Jesus, even he had 12!
So please contact me or get my address and send me mail/support!
I always start my day going thru the mail first then spend the rest of the day and night posting videos, comments and replying to the endless wave of mail.
So grab my address of my front page and start sending me mail!
Each person that joins us and helps us brings us one step closer to our first goal - building our website that will crush youtube and act as a all in one site for people like you.
We can win this...
Projet Lucifer
Les Américains se livreraient à des bombardements atomiques sur d'autres planètes... /The U.S./Nasa are doing humongous nuclear attacks on other planets
Réellement grand temps de vous éveiller !/Time to wake up
Prophecie d'un film de 1976 pour notre survie dans L'avenir/Prophecy made in a 1976 movie to wake up todays people for the futur
Le contrôle d'une population soumise au fluorure
"Et vous pensiez que tout ce que le gouvernement fait, il le fait " pour vous " ?
Friday, September 5, 2008
2011 not 2012
Over the decades much discussion has focussed on finding the exact correlation between the Mayan Long Count and the Gregorian calendar. Most researchers in the field have now come to agree that the so-called GMT correlation, placing the beginning of the Long Count 4 Ahau 8 Cumku on the Julian day 584 283, August 11, 3114 BC, is correct. This means by consequence that it will end on December 21, 2012 and most, such as Jose Arguelles, John Jenkins and Terence McKenna, who have taken an interest in the calendar of the Maya, have endorsed this date as the end of the current cycle.
Mayan Calendar: Why the Creation Cycles do not end December 21, 2012, but October 28, 2011
By Carl Johan Calleman
Over the decades much discussion has focussed on finding the exact correlation between the Mayan Long Count and the Gregorian calendar. Most researchers in the field have now come to agree that the so-called GMT correlation, placing the beginning of the Long Count 4 Ahau 8 Cumku on the Julian day 584 283, August 11, 3114 BC, is correct. This means by consequence that it will end on December 21, 2012 and most, such as Jose Arguelles, John Jenkins and Terence McKenna, who have taken an interest in the calendar of the Maya, have endorsed this date as the end of the current cycle.
I do not dispute that the GMT correlation for the Long Count with the Gregorian calendar is the correct one. And clearly, the Long Count is an approximately (within a year or so) correct reflection of the divine process of creation. There are however strong reasons to believe that the Mayan Long Count itself does not reflect the shifting energies of the divine creation cycles that we today are interested in exactly. What in this regard is most compelling is that the exact Long Count beginning date ultimately is calibrated based on the date of solar zenith in Izapa, which occurs on August 12. (Izapa is the ancient Mayan site in southern Mexico where the Long Count was first devised.)
This solar zenith day was since long, long before the Long Count was implemented, considered as the day of the year when �time began� and considered as a holy date in the location of Izapa. There is thus every reason to believe that the solar zenith was the reason the initial day in the Long Count, 4 Ahau 8 Cumku, was set on this day, although obviously the date of solar zenith in Izapa has nothing to do with the real beginning of the corresponding divine creation cycle. (But to change this date would have been considered as heresy. We may make the comparison with the date of Christmas, which was taken from old solstice celebrations, and has not been changed, despite the fact that few, if any, believes that Jesus was born then).
The end date of the Long Count falls on December 21, 2012 is thus just a necessary logical consequence of the beginning date chosen by the Izapans and not something that the Maya had intentionally targeted. The creation cycles described by the Maya, including the tzolkin, are fundamentally of a spiritual, non-astronomical, nature. Thus, any theory that implies that the Mayan Long Count would have been designed to reflect astronomical phenomena, be it the precession of the earth or a solar zenith, is a warning signal that its originator is off the mark. It should be obvious that if the Mayan calendar is a prophetic calendar describing cosmic energy cycles of a universal nature then the particular date at which the sun was in zenith in the particular location of Izapa is totally irrelevant for us who live today and must be considered as nothing but a result of a tradition too strong to be changed.
Another equally compelling reason why December 21, 2012 cannot be the true date of completion of creation is that this day is 4 Ahau in the tzolkin count. Since the Long Count consists of exactly 7200 tzolkin rounds then the true end of creation must fall on a day that is 13 Ahau in the tzolkin count so that the tzolkin rounds even out. If we want to find out what is the real date of ending of the creation cycles we must therefore look for a day around the year 2012, which is 13 Ahau in the tzolkin count. The inscriptions in Palenque, written about a thousand years later than the Long Count was devised in Izapa, seem to indicate that the date of relevance is October 28, 2011, which in fact is 13 Ahau in the tzolkin count.
The issue of the exact correlation between the creation cycles and physical time may not have been as critical in the age of the Maya as it is to us, since creation is currently operating at a 400 times higher frequency. A discrepancy of a year or so may have meant less earlier than it does to us who live today. If we make a mistake of 420 days in calibrating the end date of the creation cycles we will be totally out of phase with the rapidly evolving Galactic Creation Cycle where the Yin/Yang dualities in the cosmos are switched off and on every 360 days. These energy changes are what a spiritual calendar should reflect if it is to serve humanity in its current phase of evolution.
It should be said also that those who propose December 21, 2012 as an end date, such as Terence McKenna and John Jenkins, are basing their entire interpretations of the Mayan calendar on this particular date of ending, as if this was what the entire calendar was about. I feel however that what is most important for us to know today is the processes leading up to the completion of creation and the attainment of Cosmic Consciousness. This process is driven forward by the roller-coaster-like Galactic Creation Cycle, and for those seeking to understand this process and its many manifestations an exact calibration of this cycle is imperative. This is now available in calendar form.
Corrected durations of the Thirteen Heavens baktuns of the Long Count
Baktun no����(Corrected) Duration
1...............................3115-2721 BC
8...............................355-AD 40
9...............................AD 40-434
Chemtrails: on the trail of our assassins
Celia and Bill Abram, retired public school teachers, have been watching chemtrails since late 1998. A former meteorological observer with the Canadian Dept. of Transportation, Bill Abram knew early on that the chemtrails did not match his observations of cirrus or alto stratus or 'mare's tails' or anything else. It was chemtrails, not contrails, that was obscuring the sky. As a matter of fact, that's what the US government (and NATO) calls it. Not officially, of course, because it doesn't exist. That's why most of the public doesn't see them or rationalizes them away. They still trust 'their' government: They are under the sway of the ersatz collective cognitive imperative (to paraphrase Julian Jaynes). Celia and Bill Abram have been watching our double crossed skies for nearly a decade now. Celia identifies the trance state this way, "They never noticed it, haven't a clue what it is, and really aren't that alarmed when we tell them." As Celia points out, our only hope is to induce some cog dis in the trance states of Canada, the U.S., Europe, Australia...
MUST SEE!!!!!! The Death Of The Internet
The Internet as you know it is about to change. The corporations and the major governments want to stop the current Internet because it gives the people too much power. It makes the people aware of the illusions they create in order to control us. The Internet as we know it is waking people up to tyrannies everywhere and the powers that be do not want this. They want to keep you dumb and isolated. They want to destroy free speech. Speak up. Research the web. Write to your ISP's and to your government to enforce net neutrality. Wake up before people fall back asleep for generations to come. Do something!!!
The Ultimate Chemtrials Proof - You can not deny this...
This video is impossible to deny
google HR 2977
The bill was later revised to exclude the term "chemtrails". If chemtrails do not exist then why mention something that doesn't exist in the first place
Ultimate HAARP Proof - Warning Hurricane Ike,Hanna,Josephine,Nana,Gustav Beware! Weather Modification NWO - Illuminati
Spread this...
So it seems this s HAARP at work - over 5 Hurricanes at once is not normal...Give me a break.
Weather Modification is proven in this video, we need to stop them before they do something they cant even control. The world could be split in half! If something isnt done...
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Solution For Global Warming: Poison The Air, Cut Down Trees
Solution For Global Warming: Poison The Air, Cut Down Trees |
| |
Climate change alarmists have never been apt to shy away from courting controversy with their dire forecasts of coming environmental apocalypse, but their latest "solution" takes the biscuit - they want to pollute the air with sulphur and cut down pristine beautiful old growth forests to stop global warming!
No you didn't read that wrong - scientists really are proposing to obliterate majestic canopies of forest that are hundreds of years old while pumping the upper atmosphere full of an acid-rain causing pollutant, changing the very color of our serene blue skies, all in the name of saving the environment.
"Australian scientist Tim Flannery has proposed a radical solution to climate change which may change the colour of the sky," reports The Age.
"Professor Flannery said climate change was happening so quickly that mankind might need to pump sulphur into the atmosphere to survive. The gas sulphur could be inserted into the earth's stratosphere to keep out the sun's rays and slow global warming, a process called global dimming."
(Article continues below)
Flannery says the process of adding sulphur to jet fuel in aero planes needs to happen within 5 years, but admits, "The consequences of doing that are unknown."
Oh yeah sure - makes perfect sense! We don't know what the actual consequences will be but let's just start dumping a compound that causes "substantial damage to the natural environment" into the atmosphere willy nilly in order to save the environment!
After all, New Scientist tells us that acid rain reduces global warming so why not accept a little environmental degradation in order the environment!
We can also look forward to enjoying the following goodies should Flannery's proposal gain support, all of which are associated with exposure to sulphur.
- Neurological effects and behavioral changes
- Disturbance of blood circulation
- Heart damage
- Effects on eyes and eyesight
- Reproductive failure
- Damage to immune systems
- Stomach and gastrointestinal disorder
- Damage to liver and kidney functions
- Hearing defects
- Disturbance of the hormonal metabolism
- Dermatological effects
- Suffocation and lung embolism
As we reported last month, Government scientists have already been experimenting with the feasibility of bombarding the Earth's upper atmosphere with microscopic glass particles to dampen the effects of "global warming," despite warnings that the process could damage the ozone layer.
Goodbye blue sky? Scientists propose mass spraying of sulphur despite admitting "the consequences are unknown".
But that's not enough. According to climate alarmists, to save the planet we also need to rip out its lungs - old growth forests.
Since trees absorb carbon dioxide - that evil gas that we breathe - but then begin to give it off as they age, why not just cut down all the trees and turn the planet into one big landfill? That's effectively what atmospheric scientist Ning Zeng recently told New Scientist magazine, urging the process of "thinning forests and burying "excess wood" in a manner in which its didn't decay could sequester enough carbon to offset all of our fossil-fuel emissions."
"Over its lifetime, a tree shifts from being a vacuum cleaner for atmospheric carbon to an emitter. A tree absorbs roughly 1,500 pounds of CO2 in its first 55 years. After that, its growth slows, and it takes in less carbon. Left untouched, it ultimately rots or burns and all that CO2 gets released," reports Wired Magazine.
Oh the horror! More trees, plants and crops growing and feeding the world due to increased levels of CO2 in the atmosphere! We can't have that can we!
The solution: "Clear the oldest trees and then take out dead trunks and branches to prevent fires; landfill the scrap."
And you can trust the government and global corporations to re-plant fresh trees and not use the land to build a new multiplex cinema or a shopping arcade. Seriously, just trust them.
Wait a minute, I thought humans were responsible for CO2 emissions? No - now trees are evil and we must get rid of them. Obviously God got it wrong.
Global warming is a phenomenon that has not been observed since 1998 and will probably not be observed for the next 10 years, according to scientists who are being forced to respond to evidence of global cooling, but who assure us the deadly menace of man-made climate change will return.
Al Gore and his sycophants are proposing that to fight a non-existent problem, we must effectively poison and rape the earth in order to help save the earth.
In light of this contradiction, it's necessary to question who are the real environmental threats to the planet? People driving SUV's that emit the natural, life giving gas, the very thing we exhale, and the food that trees and plants crave, CO2 - or the folks that want to have airliners dump vast quantities of poison on us while ripping out the world's most precious and ancient woodland forests?
---Geoengineering: The radical ideas to combat global warming
Artificial clouds and creating colossal blooms of oceanic algae are among the ideas scientists say must now be considered
- Alok Jha, science correspondent
- Monday September 01 2008 09:54 BST
- Article history
Artificial clouds to reflect away sunlight, creating colossal blooms of oceanic algae and the global use of synthetic carbon-neutral transport fuels are just three of the climate transforming technologies in need of urgent investigation, according to leading scientists. The eminent group argue that, with governments failing to grasp the urgent need for measures to combat dangerous climate change, radical – and possibly dangerous – solutions must now be seriously considered.
The idea of engineering on a planetary scale in a bid to control climate has been around for more than 50 years but, to date, has remained on the fringes. The potential for dramatic and beneficial change has hitherto been outweighed by the risk of unexpected side-effects in the complex climate system, with global consequences. Now, in a special edition of the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, climate scientists and engineers have brought together the latest research and issued a call for a far-reaching assessment of a raft of geoengineering techniques.
"We are now, or soon will be, confronting issues of whether, when and how to engineer a climate that is more to our liking," argues Ken Caldeira, a leading climate scientist based at the Carnegie Institution in Stanford, California. If a decision is made to move ahead with climate engineering, he says, then it will be essential to understand the point at which the risks and costs of geoengineering outweigh the impacts of global warming.
Not everyone is so unequivocally positive, however, including Stephen Schneider of Stanford University. In an overall assessment of the geoengineering challenge, he notes that critics ask whether it is socially feasible to expect the many centuries of international political stability and co-operation that would be needed to operate global scale schemes. He adds that the potential also exists for conflicts between nations if geoengineering projects go wrong.
Some of the most extreme ideas for climate engineering involve reducing the sunlight falling on the Earth's surface, as a way to offset the increase in temperatures caused by greenhouse gas emissions. Caldeira calculates that reflecting just 2% of the Sun's light from the right places on Earth (mainly the Arctic) would be enough to counteract the warming effect from a doubling of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
One approach is to insert "scatterers" into the stratosphere. Caldeira cites an idea to deploy jumbo jets into the upper atmosphere and deposit clouds of tiny particles there, such as sulphur dioxide. Dispersing around 1m tonnes of sulphur dioxide per year across 10m square kilometres of the atmosphere would be enough to reflect away sufficient amounts of sunlight.
In a separate study, Stephen Salter of the University of Edinburgh proposes building 300-tonne ships that could spray micrometre-sized drops of seawater into the air under stratocumulus clouds. "The method is not intended to make new clouds. It will just make existing clouds whiter," he wrote. The ships would drag turbines in their wake, which would provide the power needed to spray the water.
The growth of marine algae and other phytoplankton captures vast quantities of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but growth is often limited by a lack of essential nutrients. Adding such nutrients, such as iron or nitrates, to stimulate growth was studied by a team led by Richard Lampitt of the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton. The organisms incorporate atmospheric CO2 as they grow and, when they die, sink to the bottom of the ocean, taking the carbon with them.
Lampitt argues for a large-scale experiments of an area of ocean measuring 100km by 100km and monitored by an independent team of scientists. "Once this research has been carried out, it will be the responsibility of the science community to perform appropriate cost-benefit-risk analyses in order to inform policy."
However, there is at present a moratorium around the world on iron-seeding experiments. "The idea is unpopular with the public because it is perceived as meddling with nature," writes Victor Smetacek of the Alfred Wegener Institute in Germany and Wajih Naqvi of the National Institute of Oceanography in India. But they say rejecting seeding is premature as there have been no experiments to date that fully test the concept and the counter-arguments are based on worst-case scenarios.
More a fifth of the world's human-induced emissions of carbon dioxide come from transport. While technical fixes for these emissions might not count as geoengineering by the strictest definition, their global effect means they can be considered alongside other options to reduce the CO2 in the atmosphere. In the long term, experts believe people should be driving electric or hydrogen-fueled cars but those technologies will take too long to arrive for Frank Zeman of Columbia University and David Keith of the University of Calgary.
They propose the development of synthetic fuels called carbon-neutral hydrocarbons (CNHC) as a near-term alternative to petrol and diesel. Made by reacting together carbon dioxide and hydrogen, these fuels can be used in cars without the need for major modification of either vehicles or infrastructure. More importantly, burning them would not contribute to global warming, provided the component ingredients have been manufactured in a carbon-neutral way. The CO2 could come directly from the air, from plants or else from coal-fired power stations using carbon capture and storage technology (CCS). The latter method could also reduce the potential problems of the planned worldwide increase in the number of fossil-fuel power stations. The International Energy Agency predicts the world's use of power will increase by 50% by 2030, with 77% of that coming from fossil fuels; CCS holds the promise of preventing up to 90% of the carbon emissions from a power station escaping into the atmosphere.
Wild Card
Other ideas considered by scientists, though not in the papers published today, include scrubbing carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere. Klaus Lackner of Columbia University has designed a machine that could, if built to full scale, take up the CO2 emissions of 15,000 cars. With around 250,000 such machines, it would be possible to remove as much CO2 from the atmosphere as the world is currently pumping into it. The gas could then be stored underground or used in a manufacturing process.
An idea further into the realms of the fantastic involves using shiny spacecraft to block sunlight. Scientists have suggested launching a constellation of free-flying craft that would sit between the Sun and Earth forming a cylindrical cloud around half the Earth's diameter and 10 times longer. "Approximately 10% of the sunlight passing through the 60,000 mile length of the cloud, pointing lengthwise between the Earth and the Sun would be diverted away from the Earth, which would uniformly reduce sunlight over the planet by approximately 2%," writes Stephen Schneider of Stanford University. The cost would be a dazzling $100bn (£55.5bn) a year.